Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Pregnancy is a beautiful, but delicate time in a woman’s life. There are a multitude of changes being carried out in the woman’s body, affecting hormone levels and basic body functions. One of the side effects of pregnancy is the weakening of the immune system in the body, which makes the expecting mothers and their unborn children susceptible to a host of illnesses.
Viral infections are one of the issues pregnant women are prone to during this season. While they may not affect the body to a great extent, pregnancy may make them severe and affect the mother, and her unborn child to a large extent. They can lead to miscarriage, preterm labor, or even birth defects in the fetus. It is extremely important to identify these infections early, and begin treatment to minimize risks to both, mother and child. Some of these infections include:
Yeast Infections:
This type of fungal infection is fairly common in women of all ages. Studies have shown that it affects three out of four women at least once in their life and around 45% of women experience it twice. It causes intense irritation, discharge, and itchiness of the vagina and vulva. The infection is easily treatable with medication
but can become complicated when pregnant as it can be passed on to the baby during delivery. Its treatment includes antifungal creams or vaginal suppository, but oral antifungal drugs are not recommended, as they have been linked to causing miscarriages.
Bacterial vaginosis:
The vagina contains two kinds of bacteria – lactobacilli and anaerobes. There usually exists a careful balance between the two, but an imbalance can lead to an infection known as Bacterial Vaginosis, which is one of the most common infections in pregnant women. This is usually a mild infection and is easily treatable with medicine, but if left untreated, can cause complications in pregnancy like early delivery, low birth weight of the baby, and increased chances of contracting other infections. It can be treated with antibiotics, and usually clears up within two or three days.
Asymptomatic Bacteria:
Also known as a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), it is caused when bacteria is present in a voided urine sample. This infection does not cause any noticeable symptoms, and only refers to the detection of a high level of bacteria in the urine sample. According to medical experts, this infection affects 1.9 to 9.5% of pregnant women. Early detection and treatment is important, as the infection can lead to a number of serious issues like acute urethritis, acute cystitis, acute pyelonephritis, low birth weight in the baby, and preterm labour.
Cytomegalovirus Infection (CMV):
Cytomegalovirus infection (CMV) is a fairly common infection that can be contracted by anyone, at any time in life. Once contracted, the virus remains in the host body throughout, and rarely causes any problems in those who are healthy. However, for pregnant women with a weak immune system, CMV is a major cause of concern as it gets passed on to the unborn baby, and can result in hearing loss, vision problems and developmental delays.
Taking small, everyday precautions are the best way to prevent these viral infections. These include:
  • Maintaining general hygiene, and regularly washing hands with soap
  • Being wary of meats – cooking them thoroughly, and avoiding undercooked meats like deli meat
  • Avoiding unpasteurised or raw dairy products – soft cheeses like Brie, Camembert and Blue cheese
  • Staying away from cat litter boxes that are a hotbed of diseases, along with rodents and other wild animals.
  • Getting regular check-ups done and being up-to-date with all vaccinations. ‘
The Health Ministry of India understands the need of regular check-ups of pregnant women in rural and urban parts of the country, and has thus undertaken an initiative under NHM — Janani Service, which provides ambulances to pregnant women for scheduled check-ups , delivery and post-delivery check-ups, cost-free. The service can be availed by dialling 108 in any state of the country, which Ziqitza Healthcare Limited continues to provide in collaboration with NHM in multiple states through a network of 3000 ambulances.


Monsoons in India are a contradictory force of nature. While the rains are extremely critical for the agriculture industry, to ensure a steady and sufficient harvest, extreme rains bring with them a vast range of calamities and disasters. The Assam and Bihar floods are one of the most blaring examples of the incredibly destructive power of the rains, and the unimaginable damage it causes to property and life. As of Thursday, July 26, the collective death toll had risen to 198, with countless more people remaining stuck or incapacitated, awaiting rescue. As a result, it is extremely important to be aware of the many unexpected disasters that can occur during the monsoons, and how best to deal with them.
  1. A volley of diseases
A whole host of diseases occur and spread during the monsoons, due to unhygienic conditions, and the widespread breeding of germs and bacteria, as well as disease carriers like mosquitoes, rats, flies, and more. Open containers filled with rainwater, such as large barrels, craters, and coconut shells, make for the perfect conditions for mosquitoes to breed, which spread diseases like Malaria, Dengue, and Chikungunya, among others. Consuming contaminated food or water can also lead to a volley of diseases like Typhoid, Cholera, Jaundice, Leptospirosis, Hepatitis A, Gastroenteritis, and more. In order to prevent such diseases, one must ensure that there are no exposed containers with stagnant water accumulating near the house, prevent consuming outside food and water as much as possible, and use disinfectants and anti-bacterial and anti-fungal solutions diligently, if one comes in contact with floodwater or disease carriers.
  1. Drowning due to flooding
Flooding is one of the most dangerous natural consequences of heavy monsoons, especially in areas with inefficient drainage systems. During such conditions, the possibility of loss of life due to drowning becomes especially high, as small water bodies like ponds overflow because of the excess water. The presence of countless open manholes further aggravates the potential for disaster, especially since the waterlogging makes it next to impossible to tell where the manholes are. Swimming during this season should be avoided as well, and in extreme conditions of flooding, one must try to stay indoors as much as possible, and avoid wading through heavily waterlogged areas on foot.
  1. Electrocution from exposed wires
Faulty or exposed wires present yet another terrifying opportunity for disaster during this season, with 3 individuals having died from electrocution in Mumbai, in the month of June itself. Lightning strikes often damage electrical structures and cables, leading to the high-voltage lines coming in contact with the floodwater, while power theft through wires illegally connected to electrical mains is yet another leading cause of casualties through electrocution. Ensuring that all electrical lines and connections in the home are in good condition and contacting the concerned authorities in case of any exposed wires observed are the best ways to prevent such casualties.
  1. Collapse of trees and structures
The monsoons pose yet another unexpected threat to human life in extreme cases, in the form of extensive damage to manmade structures as well as trees, causing them to collapse. Falling trees were the cause of three deaths in Malad, Andheri, and Govandi, in Mumbai, in a matter of just 24 hours, in the month of June, because of the heavy downpour. Furthermore, the torrential rains also cause damage to buildings, overbridges, transmission towers, and more, the collapse of which, leads to largescale death and destruction. Staying indoors continues to be the safest course of action, along with ensuring any structural weaknesses or damage to the building is addressed appropriately, beforehand.
  1. Road accidents
The rains also force oil to come up to the surface of roads, which makes them slick and wet, posing a significant danger to vehicles. Rash driving during this season exponentially increases the chances of road accidents, since excessive water already weakens the suspension and braking systems, to begin with. Following traffic rules and driving under the speed limit, while staying vigilant of the road conditions, is the best way to prevent such mishaps and disasters.
Being aware of the aforementioned potential disasters and taking the recommended precautions is the best way to avoid injuries and casualties. However, in case of emergencies that still occur, call 108 for ALS and BLS ambulance services in every state, which take care of transport for any medical emergency. These ambulances are promptly operated and managed in Punjab, Jharkhand, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh by Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd. (ZHL).


Finding oneself in a medical emergency isn’t something anyone of us would wish. Life is, however, full of ups and downs. You may not want to but might end up witnessing an accident scene or sudden break down of your loved ones due to an illness. In any case, only your presence of mind and First Aid skills will matter in saving someone’s life or reducing the impact of the injuries. Now, the thought-provoking question that you should ask yourself is, “how well are you prepared for emergency medical care?” Asking this question is essential because we live in a country where 17% of accidental deaths occur only due to the lack of emergency care.
Since bystanders like us are often the first to respond to such situations, it is the need of the hour for each one of us to know the basics of handling a medical emergency.

Here are some tips that can be of great help to the accident victims/critically ill person in accessing timely care:

Keep a first-aid kit handy at home and work: 
Never mix medicines and first aid supplies with your travel kit or have drugs scattered around the house. Thus, having trained in first aid is the need of the hour. Be sure to tailor the contents of the kit for your family’s emergency needs. All supplies should be labeled and organized in a readily available container.
Place the kit out of reach of small children. Also, make sure to check it periodically and restock supplies as needed. If you need to dispose of any unused drugs or medications, be sure and dispose of them where children or pets cannot find them. Keep the first aid kit for your automobile in the trunk of the vehicle.

Check for signs of external bleeding immediately:
If an emergency occurs, then you must always check for the pulse of the victim/patient first. Once confirmed to be running, you must ideally check for signs of any external bleeding. If the injured person is bleeding profusely, then call for the emergency medical services immediately. 

In case of no signs of bleeding, you can check for ingestion of a poisonous substance, heaviness in breathing or acute pain in the heart. If the victim/patient complains or appears to have any of these symptoms, then call for emergency services.

Make sure the injured patient’s airway is unrestricted:
Check the patient’s mouth for any foreign objects that may be blocking the patient’s airway. If the breathing has stopped, you may need to administer artificial respiration. While you help the patient to breathe back to life, request someone to call for Advanced Life Support ambulance.

Stabilize the patient until an ambulance arrives:
Treat the victim/patient with basic trauma care within the first few hours of the incident. Remain calm and keep your patient relaxed in a sleeping position to reduce the chances of any further injury or damage.

Also, remember not to administer any fluid as it may enter the windpipe and restrict breathing or cause suffocation. Do not try and bring a person to consciousness by slapping or shaking.

Whether the critical situation refers to an accident, a stroke, or any other serious ailment, the significance of the first few minutes in saving a life is beyond compare. Having said that it becomes the responsibility of the bystanders/first responders to immediately call on emergency helpline numbers 108 & 1298 for emergency ambulance services. These numbers are operated PAN India to call for help during emergencies. Also, they are operated by Ziqitza Healthcare Limited (ZHL) to provide fully equipped ambulances with trained paramedics on board for all kinds of medical emergencies. These ambulances are promptly operated and managed in Punjab, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Madhya Pradesh by Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd. (ZHL)So, your one call to these emergency numbers at the right time can help them fill the gap in the emergency response system.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Best Ship Management Companies India | Shipping Company-Sea Royal Ship

Sea Royal Ship Management Pvt Ltd is a ship management MLC 2006 COMPLIANCE company surveyed by IRS classification approved by DIRECTOR GENERAL OF SHIPPING (GOVT. OF INDIA) under License no. RPSL-MUM-167 & providing Personnel Management, Technical Management & Crew Manning services; Includes highly qualified & competent Indian / Multinational crew to reputed Principals for F.G Vessels / Rigs as well as offshore Industry.
After gaining many years of crew Management experience the company diversified into Technical, Personnel, Commercial & offshore Complete Ship Management Companies.

Today the Ship Management arm is Known as Sea Royal Ship Management Pvt Ltd with its Head office in Mumbai.

The company offers a Comprehensive Management or crew manning services to all kind of Principals with highly qualified and competent Indian crew for various types of vessels or Rigs according to their cost-effective budget.

Capt. Lakhwinder Singh (CEO) 

[Overall Incharge]
Founded the company In 2002 with Ship Management, Crew Manning, Maritime & STCW Courses facilities & Heads the company & subsequently expanded the business to International level Remarkably.
We Strictly Believe in Discipline, Hard Work, Honesty, Truth, Transparency and we do Strictly Intolerant to Betrayals at all levels.

Marine Courses | Maritime Academy & Training - Sea Royal Maritime

The marine sector is one domain professionals have to keep themselves upgraded with the newest regulations and technologies at periods of time. Maritime courses are necessary for both onshore and seagoing professionals to keep themselves in sync with the marine sector.
The continuous requirements for marine training, most companies/organizations/institutes are providing online courses in transport to ensure that the essential maritime certification and training can be achieved without much hassle.

Established in the year 2002, Sea Royal Maritime Studies would like to assure potential customers that with collective experience gained over years in offshore Maritime Courses & STCW courses with existing staff and fully equipped with the latest technology and entire range of maritime/diving/underwater equipments, the company is well efficient to deliver to entire range of Offshore Maritime Courses and STCW courses with quality at best competitive prices into the market.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Drug rehabilitation center | Alcohol rehabilitation centre in mumbai and Pune

The easiest way to stop drinking alcohol according to a lot of people who are not educated in the field of addiction is to ‘JUST STOP’. However, it doesn’t work, does it? How many times have you told your friend or family member or even yourself that you need to stop drinking? How many times have you had an intervention a conversation wherein you make them aware or make yourself aware of the troubles and the downfalls that alcohol is causing them or you? What comes next is a barrage of excuses, false promises, emotional outbursts and the icing on the cake heavy denial.
Though any layman can see that the problem is alcohol, why cannot the alcoholic see it? Why are they so stubborn, why are they so hell-bent on drinking even though it may cost them their family, peace of mind, finances and in some extreme cases their life? To answer this question a small but heavy fact must be exposed, alcoholism is a disease. It is not a rebellion, it is not stubbornness and it is definitely not a choice.
The disease of addiction is recently being shown to the world, its complications and its sufferings are now being divulged so we at alcohol rehabilitation centres can help treat the alcoholic and let them in on the journey of recovery. Just like a drug alcohol dependency causes changes in the brain chemistry making the alcoholic more dependant on the substance. This dependency can be termed as an addiction to alcohol making the addict tolerant to alcohol and hence he/she will continue increasing the abuse of the substance. Alcoholics usually feel like they cannot function normally without alcohol and they experience an inability to stop drinking on their own and here alcohol rehabilitation treatments come in.
Listed below are a few warning signs of alcoholism you may notice in your loved one or yourself:
  • Being unable to stop consumption of alcohol
  • Strong cravings for alcohol
  • Putting alcohol above everything else in life
  • Spending a lot of money on alcohol
  • Behavioural changes after drinking
  • Emotional instability because of alcohol
  • Health issues related to alcohol
  • Inability to cope without alcohol
There are many reasons why alcoholic drinks, most of the reasons given by the alcoholic are excuses to drink but there are some deeper underlying emotional issues which have made the person more susceptible to alcoholism. Below are listed a few,
Almost all alcoholics struggle from some anxiety causing perpetual worry, Drinking alcohol helps lower inhibitions allowing them to feel relaxed and comfortable.
Mostly all alcoholics have experienced the trauma of some kind. Alcoholics usually do not feel heard or haven’t experience empathy in a traumatic situation causing unresolved trauma which accelerates their drinking.
Suppressed emotions:
Usually, alcoholics have a variety of heavy suppressed emotions which are not bought to the surface and healed. This suppression causes a lot of emotional instability within the person and to mask these intense feelings the alcoholic drinks.
Mostly all alcoholics will talk about feeling alone and feelings of disconnection with the world and people. They feel misunderstood and ignored, these feelings come from a lot of intense voids within them which they try to fill up with alcohol.
What is the best way to help your loved one or even yourself to get this disease in control? There is no one stop quick fix for this disease, it is a commitment and a consistent practice which consists of coping techniques, support groups, therapy and rehab.
Detox centres and alcohol rehabilitation centres are completely equipped to deal with and help people suffering from alcoholism. They provide a strong support system and various coping techniques to help the person refrain from drinking again. Alcohol rehabilitation centres have in house psychotherapists and psychiatrists to help them heal unresolved emotional issues and treat any psychiatric medical conditions that exist within the patient.
Written below are stages that are used by alcohol rehabilitation centres to help the addict in the process of recovery.
There will be serious uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms in the alcoholic once the drug is leaving the body. Rehabilitation centres will provide medical attention to help relieve the symptoms of withdrawal with as little pain as possible.
Denial of the disease is the biggest issue of alcoholism. Counsellors, therapists and the in-house support group will work together to break the denial in the alcoholic by making them aware and educating them on the disease. Breaking the denial in the alcoholic could be both a slow or fast process, it is the first step and most important step towards acceptance of the disease. Once the alcoholic has come to an acceptance of the disease recovery will be much easier.
Talking to in-house psychotherapists and getting medical attention for any psychiatric disorder the patient may have will help the patient heal their emotional state and become stronger for the real world. Coping techniques and a strong support group are formed helping the patient realise that he/she is not alone. During the stay in Rehab, the patient is made aware of the disease of alcoholism and is taught of the perils of the disease, this awareness helps the patient help recover more effectively.
Long term sobriety is an ongoing process, alcohol rehabilitation centers
teach the patient recovery process after rehab and help them get support group and various recovery resources so that they are mentally strong enough to refrain from alcohol abuse.
Family counseling:
Along with the alcoholic, the family also suffers. Rehabilitation centers and detox centers help educate the family on how to deal with the alcoholic and also conduct family sessions where unresolved matters are bought to the table and dealt with under the watch and guidance of a licensed therapist.
Please remember alcoholism is a disease and not a choice. Alcoholics cannot just stop drinking and need medical supervised attention to help them start walking on the path of recovery. Recovery is a journey and not a destination.
We at ZORBACARE urge you to help yourself or your loved one suffering from substance abuse.
Call us at +918669567929 to get a new chance at life. Our experienced team of medical practitioners will be of service to take you on the beautiful path of recovery and sobriety.
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Monday, June 17, 2019

Aluminium Conductor Steel Supported | Aluminium Conductor Alloy Reinforced

Hind Aluminium is one of the largest Aluminium Wires manufacturers and a leading Aluminium Company. It is the biggest manufacturing unit of Associated Group of Companies. To know more, visit our website today!

Hind Aluminium manufactures Aluminium Conductors, Aluminium Conductor Steel Supported, Aluminium Conductors Alloy Reinforced and many other types of high quality conductors on a large scale. Get estimates and price quotes by calling us at 022 - 40457100.

Hind Aluminium supplies large quantities of Aluminium Grills, Aluminium Alloy Steel Reinforced, Aluminium Alloys with the highest quality of raw materials. Get estimates and price quotes by calling us at 022 - 40457100.

Hind Aluminium produces and supplies Wire Rod Alloys, Armour Rod, Flipped Wire Rods, EC and Alloy Rods to the power sector by focusing on customer satisfaction and technological innovation. Get estimates and price quotes by calling us at 022 - 40457100.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Manpower Recruitment Agencies In UAE | Manpower Consultancy

Soundlines is a recognized leader in the HR Recruitment Industry for over 20 years servicing clients globally across UAE, KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt, India, Nepal & Bangladesh.
We follow ISO: 9001 benchmark practices & procedures and adopt an extremely tailored approach in finding you the perfect candidate for your organization.
To enhance your recruitment process, we have the best state-of-the-art infrastructure with meeting rooms & latest technology equipped conference halls, making the entire recruitment process seamless.
With a huge database of over 5, 00,000 candidates, our clients never choose to lose their expectations in finding the “right fit” and also with the best in-house specialty centers and qualified technical evaluators for every job trade, finding the “perfect candidate” becomes all so much smoother.
With all these specialties, we are always a leap above all, hence making Soundlines the most trusted and sort after Recruitment agency.
We always strive to achieve great goodwill and client satisfaction amongst our esteemed clientele and do our 100% to abide by it.
Soundlines understands its clients’ expectations and requirements. Our meticulous staff are friendly, responsive and offer a mutually beneficial association that binds a long-term relationship, with both the Employer & Employee.  Besides keeping all information confidential, our business model is simple “Partnership, Honesty, Reliability, Discretion, and Orientation” towards results. We specialize in several areas but aren’t limited to, just a few.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Drug rehabilitation center | Alcohol rehabilitation centre in mumbai and Pune

 Zorbacare is a luxurious Drug rehabilitation centerAlcohol rehabilitation centre in mumbai and Pune for people who seek confidentiality and comfort. Our facility is designed on the lines of the world’s best, where a person lacks for nothing. We create specific treatment plans with goals while in treatment.

Zorbacare Rehab in puneRehabilitation centre in mumbai offers you a unique resident program which largely increases the odds of an addict staying clean / sober. We offer great value and exceptional treatment experience.

We understand detox is a painful and heart-wrenching experience, which is why we conduct our detox program at any of the state-of-the-art hospitals in Pune. 
Zorbacare is Alcohol and drug addictionrehab in India, drug rehab for woman especially prescribed drugs given by doctors for depression and anxiety is on the rise in women in India. Alcohol and drug addictions can have devastating effects on a woman’s life